Judgement-seat of Vikramaditya. Questions Answers

 Supplementary Reader

Lesson 2 : 

The Judgement Seat Of Vikramaditya

[A] Short answer type questions on the text.

Q1 : Who was Vikramaditya? Why was he famous for?

Ans : Vikramaditya was the king of Ujjain. He was famous for his justice and wisdom. 

 Q2 : What do we definitely know about Vikramaditya?

Ans : The only one thing that we definitely know about Vikramaditya is that he was a lover of justice and learning. 

 Q3 : Why did the guilty tremble before Vikramaditya?

Ans : The guilty trembled before Vikramaditya because they knew that his eyes would look straight into their guilt and he would punish them. 

 Q4 : What happened to the palace and the fort of Vikramaditya after his death?

Ans : After the death of Vikramaditya his palace and fort were ruined with passage of time. The ruins were covered with grass and dust. 

 Q5 : What did the village boys find in pasture-land one day ?

Ans : The village-boys used to go to a nearby pasture with their cattles. One day village-boys found a green mound in the pasture just like a judgement seat. 

 Q6 : What did the boys do with the green mound?

Ans : One of the boys sat on the green mound and said to his friends, “ I will be the judge. You can bring all your cases before me and I will have trials.” His friends soon brought cases before him for decision.

 Q7 : What changes were noticed in the boy who sat on the green mound?

Ans : The changes were noticed that the boy who sat on the mound had become serious and grave. His tone and manners were impressive. 

 Q8 : Why did the villagers put their disputes before the cowherd boy?

Ans : The villagers put their disputes before the cowherd boy for justice. He settled them wisely and satisfied them. 

 Q9 : What did the King of Ujjain guess about the boy?

Ans : The King of Ujjain guessed about the boy that he must have sat on the judgement-seat of Vikramaditya 

because he was doing perfect judgement. 

Q10 : What did the King decide to do and why?

Ans : The king decided to dig out the judgement-seat and bring it to Ujjain. Then he would sit on it and deliver judgements. 

Q11 : Why could the King not sit on the judgement-seat of Vikramaditya?

Ans : The king could not sit on the judgement-seat of Vikramaditya because he was not perfectly pure in heart as such not worthy of it.

Q12 : What qualities of the king were asked of by the last angel?

Ans : The last angel asked the king if he had a pure heart like that of the cowherd child in order to be worthy of sitting on the throne. 

Q13 : What happened to the seat at last?

Ans : At last the last angel flew up into the sky bearing the throne upon his head. In this way the judgement-seat of Vikramaditya disappeared from the earth.

[B] Short answer type questions on your understanding .

Q1 : Why is Vikramaditya called “the greatest judge in history”?

Ans : Vikramaditya was the king of Ujjain. He is called “the greatest judge in history” because he always gave perfect justice to his people. Guilty persons trembled to come to him. 

 Q2 : What made Vikramaditya so famous?

Ans : Vikramaditya’s justice made him so famous. He gave perfect justice to his people. 

Q3 : Why could the cowherd- boy sit on the seat whereas the King of Ujjain could not?

Ans : The heart of the cowherd boy was pure so he could sit on the seat whereas the heart of the King of Ujjain was not pure like that of the cowherd boy so he could not sit on the seat.


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