A Letter to God ( Questions Answers )

 Lesson - 2 : A letter to God 


Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow :

[A] The House .......................come for dinner."

Q1 : Who was Lencho? Where was his house located?

Ans: Lencho was a farmer. His house was located on the crest of a low hill.

Q2 : What did Lencho think earth needed?

Ans: Lencho thought that the earth needed a downpour or at least a shower. 

Q3 : Who was the woman preparing the supper?

Ans: Lencho's wife was preparing the supper.

Q4 : What were the older and the smaller boys doing?

Ans: The older boys were working in the field while the smaller boys were playing near the house. 

Q5 : What did Lencho do throughout the morning?

Ans: Lencho did nothing else but seen the sky towards the North-East

[B] It was during ................................ frozen pearls?

Q1: What happened during the meal?

Ans: During the meal big drops of rain began to fall.

Q2: What did Lencho predict? Did it come true?

Ans: Clouds in the North-East made Lencho predict rainfall. Yes, his prediction came true. 

 Q3: Why did Lencho go out?

Ans: Lencho went out to have the pleasure of feeling the rain on his body.

 Q4: What are hailstones being compared to?

Ans: Hailstones are being compared to new silver coins.

 Q5: What happened suddenly?

Ans: Suddenly a strong wind began to flow and along with the rain very large hailstones began to fall. 

 Q6: Why did the boys run out?

Ans: The boys ran out to collect the frozen pearls.

[C] It's really getting.................. sorrowful one.

Q1: What did Lencho exclaim?

Ans: Lencho exclaimed, “It is really getting bad now."

 Q2: Did the rain pass quickly? 

Ans: No, the rain did not pass quickly.

Q3: How had the rain harmed Lencho’s field?

Ans: The rain harmed Lencho’s field badly. The corn was totally destroyed.

 Q4: What did Lencho say to his sons standing in the middle of his field ?

Ans: Lencho said to his sons standing in the middle of his field, “A plague of locusts would have left more 

than this ........The hail has left nothing; this year we will have no corn.......” 

 Q5: Why was the night sorrowful forLencho’s family?

Ans: Lencho’s harvest had destroyed by the hailstorm, so the night sorrowful for Lencho’s family

[D] So, in order not  ..................... doorway of his office .

Q1 : Why did the postmaster decide to answer Lencho’s letter?

Ans: The postmaster became very much impressed by the faith of the writer in God so he decided to answer Lencho’s letter.

Q2 : What did the postmaster need to answer the letter?

Ans: Postmaster needed one hundred pesos to answer the letter.

Q3 : How did he arrange the money forLencho?

Ans: The postmaster arranged the money for Lencho of his employees and friends. He himself gave a part of his salary.

Q4 : How much money could he arrange? 

(Jen efkeâleves Oeve keâer JÙeJemLee keâj mekeâe?)

Ans: He could arrange only a little more than half.

Q5 : Why did Lencho go to the post office the next Sunday ?

Ans: Lencho went to the post office the next Sunday to ask if there was a letter for him.

Q6 : Who handed the letter to Lencho? 

Ans: The postman himself handed the letter to Lencho.

Q7 : How did the postmaster feel as the postman handed over the envelope to Lencho? 

Ans: As the postman handed over the envelope to Lencho, the postmaster was experiencing the contentment of a man who has performed a good deed.

[E] Lencho showed not ............................ bunch of crooks, Lencho."

Q1 : Why was Lencho not surprised to see the money? 

Ans: Due to his confidence Lencho was not surprised to see the money. 

 Q2 : What made Lencho angry?

Ans: Lencho became angry because the money was short.

 Q3 : Why did Lencho ask for paper and ink?

Ans: Lencho asked for paper and ink to write a letter to God.

 Q4: How can you say that Lencho was annoyed and angry when he wrote a letter to God again?

Ans: When Lencho started to write again, with much wrinkling of his brow, caused by the effort he had to make to express his idea. So we can say that Lencho was annoyed and angry. 

Q5: What had Lencho written in the letter?

Ans: Lencho wrote to God again because he needed the rest amount very urgently. He did not want the money to be sent by mail because he thought that post office employees are a bunch of crooks. 

Q6: How much money did he get?

Ans: He got only seventy pesos.


Q1 : How was Lencho’s harvest destroyed?

Ans: Lencho was a farmer. His earth needed a downpour or at least a shower. He was sure that it would rain as he had seen clouds in the North-East.One day during the meal, big drops of rain began to fall. Lencho went out and was very happy as the raindrops looked like coins. His fields would yield rich crops due to these raindrops.

But suddenly a strong wind began to blow and along with the rain very large hailstones began to fall. The boys ran out to collect hailstones which appeared like frozen pearls. 

 For an hour the hail rained everywhere including Lencho’s corn field. The field was white as if covered with salt. The flowers were gone from the plants. The corn was totally destroyed. Lencho’s soul was filled with sadness.

Q2 : How do you know that Lencho was a firm believer of God?

Ans: Lencho was a hard working farmer. Once his corn was ripe. He needed some rain. It started raining. He became very happy. But all of sudden it turned into hailstone. His crops were entirely destroyed. He was sad. Now his only hope was to seek help from God. He had firm faith in God. So he wrote a letter to God. 

The postmaster opened the letter addressed to God. He laughed heartily. But soon he became serious.He said, “I wish I had the faith of the man who wrote this letter." He decided to help Lencho. He collected money from his employees. He also gave a part of his salary. He sent money to Lencho in an envelope. Due to his firm faith, Lancho was not surprised to see the money. 

Thus we know that Lencho was a firm believer of God.

Q3 : How do you know that Lencho was hardworking?

Ans: Lencho lived with his family in a house which was built on a low hill in a valley. It was the only house in the entire valley. Lencho was a hardworking farmer. He entirely depended on his field for his living. His fields promised a rich harvest. By chance there was a heavy rain. Along with the rain large hailstones also fell down. As a result his crops were totally destroyed. There was no one to help him. The greatest shock to Lencho about 

his work was that he did work throughout the day but got nothing. He wrote a letter to God to ask for a hundred pesos in order to sow his field again and for his living.

In this way we know that Lencho was hardworking

Q4 : Why did Lencho write a letter to God? What was written in the letter? 

Ans: Lencho was a hardworking farmer with a large family. Once the much needed and pleasant rain was followed by very large hailstones and the corn standing in Lencho's field was totally destroyed. Nothing was left for the poor Lencho and his family.So he wrote a letter to God, asking him for one hundred pesos in order to sow his field again and for 

living until the new crops came. The letter was received by a postman. The postmaster also read it. He collected seventy pesos and sent it to Lencho

Q5 : Give a brief character sketch of the postmaster. 

Ans: 1. 

1.A fat, amiable fellow: The postmaster was a fat, amiable fellow. When the postman showed him a letter addressed to God, he broke out laughing.

2. Faith in God: The postmaster had deep faith in God. He was surprised to see Lencho’s faith in God. He said, “What faith! I wish I had the faith of the man who wrote this letter.”

3. Kind and Sympathetic: The postmaster saw the letter addressed to God. He read the content of the letter. He decided to help Lencho. He could not arrange money in full. He collected some money from his employees . He also gave a part of his salary. Thus he helped Lencho. This shows his kindness.

Q6 : Was Lencho justified in calling the post office employees as a bunch of crooks?

Ans: Postoffice employees were nice and generous. They laughed when they saw Lencho’s letter addressed to God. But soon they became serious because they were impressed by Lencho’s faith in God. They 

decided to send him some money. They collected seventy pesos and sent it to Lencho.

When Lencho opened the envelope he found in it only seventy pesos whereas he had asked God for one hundred pesos. He thought the postoffice people had taken away thirty pesos from the envelope. So he called them ‘bunch of crooks’. He was not justified in calling them crooks. But it only shows his firm 

faith in God and his innocence.

Q7 : What kind of people were the post office employees?

Ans: The postoffice employees were kind, generous and honest people. They laughed when they saw Lencho’s letter addressed to God. But soon they became serious because they were impressed by Lencho’s faith in God. They decided to send him some money. 

They collected seventy pesos and sent it to Lencho. In this way they helped a farmer in his need. They did not disappoint a person with utmost faith in God.

Q8 : Give a brief character sketch of Lencho.


 1. A hardworking farmer : Lencho was a hardworking farmer. He worked hard in his field. He worked like an ox. So he had a good crop. 

2. His deep faith in God : His family had nothing to eat. He believed that God would not let them die to hunger. So he wrote a letter to God requesting to send him a hundred pesos. 

3. God’s help: The postmaster received the letter through the mail. He opened the letter and read. He collected money from his employees. He also gave a part of his salary. To see the great faith of Lencho the postmaster was also surprised


 Q1 : Where was Lencho’s house situated?

 Ans: Lencho’s house was situated on the top of a low hill. 

 Q2 : Why do you think it is termed as “the house” and not “a house”?

Ans: The author called it ‘ the house ' and not ‘a house’ because it was the only house in the valley. 

 Q3 : How did Lencho predict rain?

Ans: Lencho predicted rain to see the clouds in the North-East. 

 Q4 : What happened at the dinner time?

Ans: At the dinner time big drops of rain began to fall. 

 Q5 : What did the writer call as ‘new coins’?Why?

Ans: Lencho calls the raindrops new coins. The raindrops would enrich the harvest. He will get more money by selling it. So the raindrops have been called new coins. 

Q6 : Why are hailstones called “frozen pearls”?

Ans: Hailstones are called “frozen pearls” because they were resembling new silver coins.

 Q7 : How long did the hail rain?

Ans: The hail rained for an hour. 

 Q8 : What harm did the hail rain cause to Lencho?

Ans: The hail rain completely destroyed the crops in Lencho’s field. The corn was totally destroyed. The flowers had also fallen from the plants.

Q9 : What made Lencho sad?

Ans: Lencho became sad because his crops were completely destroyed by the hailstones.

Q10 : What was Lencho’s only hope?

Ans: God was Lencho’s only hope. 

Q11 : To whom did Lencho write a letter and why?

Ans: Lencho wrote a letter to God. He wrote the letter for help from God. 

Q12 : What was written in the letter?

Ans: In the letter Lencho wrote, “God, if you don’t help me, my family and I will go hungry this year. I need a hundred pesos in order to sow my field again and to live until the crop comes.” 

Q13 : Why would Lencho’s family go hungry that year?

Ans: Lencho’s family would go hungry that year because the corn was totally destroyed in his field.

Q14 : Who laughed to see the letter? Why?

Ans: The postman laughed to see the letter because never in his career he had known that address. 

Q15 : Who resolved to help Lencho?

 Ans: The postmaster resolved to help Lencho.

Q16 : How did the post office employees help Lencho. 

Ans: The post office employees helped Lencho by giving some money. Postmaster also gave a part of his salary. In this way they collected seventy pesos and gave them to Lencho through an envelope by God. 

Q17 : Did the post office employees get Lencho’s thanks for helping him?

Ans: No, the post office employees did not get his thanks for the help.

Q18 : What did Lencho call the post office employees and why?

Ans: Lencho called the post office employees ‘a bunch of crooks’ because he thought that they had taken out the money from the envelope .


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